Thursday, October 24, 2013

Interludes of wisdom

How long have I rowed through the river of hope obstinately, unto the shores in quest of my dream? How long have I clung to those void pages, those vacuous words? 
"We would now write a story and thy name be script" said my friend. Days passed, dark interludes, ash trays filled with buds of creativity. Nothing seemed brilliant, not that spark of fiery insolence to stereotypes seen anywhere in those stories...well..past is past.That fatuous certificate which said that 'Renjith is now a Post Grad  in Communication' had given me enough to experiment with, enough to impress for starters, falling short of practical applications. Being that insane scriptwriter who crafted stupidities to satisfy his perverted soul, calling professional cinematographers, directors and actors at awkward times to tell the stories that thrived within! Being that lousy journalist who worked night shifts at a technology magazine, being part of the creative team of that m'Ad' agency, coffee cups filled with vodka, eccentric thoughts filling the smoky air, we won much notoriety than fame, didn't we? 
Now, this day is marked in a scarlet letter. When I write these lines, I have already resigned from all those wallet filling jobs I had and had instead filled my soul with gratification, a sense of delight. Starting an e-commerce clothing portal along with my friends was never an easy decision, but the entrepreneurial bug was destined to bite. All that is left to witness my words this night are some movie review tabs that's opened besides this tab, waiting for me to be copied, mixed, tweaked and published as a new review in an almost unknown news portal that feeds my starving stomach for the cheap freelance masturbation I'm doing. #loveforlongsentences

What made me talk so much today? Yeah, well those stupid things we did as amateurs make us think about the past and blabber about it to the whole world who would never even know our blogs exist.

This one particular short film I did few years back at college made me r.o.f.l.m.a.o...Obsession for existential profundity? Striving to wear the tag of uncanny intelligence? What did I mean by this one. What was I really thinking when I made it..or was I really thinking at all.

Anyway here's that crime I did! Posting this coz I know thou art not be the spectator, my dear blog reader(the myth)

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